Master the Four Pillars of Sales Performance
This blog post explains how training, growth mindset, persistence, and trust are essential for a successful sales team. It also introduces Acerca, a B2B content creation service that offers various training options to help salespeople develop these skills and achieve better results.
Large Language Models: What Are They and Why Are They Hard to Train?
Large language models (LLMs) are computerized language models that consist of an artificial neural network with many parameters (ten…
Did You Get Your AI KPI Yet?
This post discusses the challenges and opportunities of using generative AI for B2B content creation. It raises some questions about intellectual property, security, and reliability of the content produced by AI. It also invites the reader to contact Acerca, a B2B content creation service, to learn how to address these issues and leverage AI for their content needs.
Support Your Company’s Growth With Account Based Marketing
Account Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategy that targets specific accounts or prospects that are most likely to buy your products or services. ABM involves identifying the key decision-makers and influencers within these accounts, creating tailored messages and offers for them. If you want to learn more about how to implement ABM in your business, contact Acerca.
The Words We Don’t Have: How Non-Verbal Communication Boosts Content
The content discusses how words can have different interpretations depending on various factors, and how non-verbal cues such as emojis, GIFs, stickers and memes can help convey emotions and meanings in online communications. The content also compares how B2C and B2B marketers use these non-verbal cues to engage their customers.
How To Approach It And Why It Matters?
This content explains the differences between translation, localization, and transcreation in the language services industry. It also discusses how machine translation has become more prevalent and accurate, and how it affects the quality and resonance of the content. It also raises some questions about the future of the industry and the role of human creativity. Contact Acerca for more information